Wednesday 21 October 2015


From research we have decided to aim our music video at people aged 18-25. This is a large age gap but feel that people from these ages are more likely to listen to this music genre so will aim it to this age. We feel that this age is mature enough to listen to the music and understand the lyrics.  I also feel that this music is alternative and different. I feel this is the age that people are experimenting with their style and their sub culture. This means this song would appeal to an alternative group of people and these ages seem to be where people experiment. Overall I feel that this song would appeal to males due to the artist and the feel of the song, it will also appeal to females but it may be more appealing to men.
The demographic group for our music video would be D/E (students and working class) we have chosen this because of the age group we have specified. We will target this group by keeping the music video as realistic as possible. It will not include expensive possessions and therefore will appeal to people who cannot afford expensive items. We will keep the music realistic and easy to relate to for this demographic group. Also this age group are likely to be this Demographic as they are not earning as much as older people.
We want to target people who go to University or work everyday and don't enjoy it. Therefore meaning they can relate to our video. We want this as in out video we link the lyrics with the visual as we show someone hard at work with the lyrics 'you're a slave to money then you die'. By aiming our video at somebody who works allows them to relate to the music video.
We will try to show the difference between working and partying to the target audience by using different lighting to show a dull and boring work setting and a fun weekend setting, we hope that this is something our target audience can relate to.
We aim not to use any audiences theories in our music video although there may be a slight use of Hypodermic Needle Theory as the song and video are 'injecting' the message that you are a 'slave' to money.

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