Tuesday 15 September 2015


I will hand the questionnaire out to ages between 15-25. I feel this is the prime age for people to listen to pop music although I may hand a handful out to older people as I believe that Pop is becoming more and more appealing to the older generation due to their children listening to it and more technology allowing them to listen to it. From my results I hope to find out what my Target Audience expect and enjoy in music videos.

1. Do you expect a Pop/Dance music video to involve Performance? If so do you like music videos with performance in or not?

2. Do you like a clear Narrative in Pop/Dance music videos? Explain your answer.

3. Are characters and artists in these Music Video seen as stylish? Is it important that they have the latest fashions on?

4. Do you expect these music videos to be based around love and relationships?

5. Do you prefer music videos that link In with the lyrics? If so how much should it link in with the lyrics?

6. Do you expect bright colours or dark colours in these music videos?

7. How often do you expect a new shot in these music videos?
  • 1-2 seconds
  • 3-4 seconds
  • 5-6 seconds
  • 7-8 seconds
  • 9-10 seconds
8. Do you prefer low key or high key lighting in these music videos?

9. What do you feel is important to include in these music videos?

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